Recent publications

Recent publications featuring IBAS projects and authors (noted in bold). 

Almatroodi SA, McDonald CF and Pouniotis DS (2014) Alveolar macrophage polarisation in lung cancer. Lung Cancer International 2014(Article ID 721087): 9.

Blackstock FC, Webster KE, McDonald CF and Hill CJ (2014) Comparable improvements achieved in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease through pulmonary rehabilitation with and without a structured educational intervention: A randomized controlled trial. Respirology 19(2): 193-202.

Hannan LM, Dominelli GS, Chen Y-W, Darlene Reid W and Road J (2014) Systematic review of non-invasive positive pressure ventilation for chronic respiratory failure. Respiratory Medicine 108(2): 229-243.

Hayley AC, Williams LJ, Kennedy GA, Berk M, Brennan SL and Pasco JA (2014) Prevalence of excessive daytime sleepiness in a sample of the Australian adult population. Sleep Medicine 15(3): 348-54.

Howard ME, Jackson ML, Berlowitz D, O’Donoghue F, Swann P, Westlake J, Wilkinson V and Pierce RJ (2014) Specific sleepiness symptoms are indicators of performance impairment during sleep deprivation. Accident Analysis & Prevention 62(0): 1-8.

Kent BD, Garvey JF, Ryan S, Nolan G, Dodd JD and McNicholas WT (2013) Severity of obstructive sleep apnoea predicts coronary artery plaque burden: a coronary computed tomographic angiography study. European Respiratory Journal 42(5): 1263-1270.

Lee A, Hill C, Cecins N, Jenkins S, McDonald C, Burge A, Rautela L, Stirling R, Thompson P and Holland A (2014) The short and long term effects of exercise training in non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis - a randomised controlled trial. Respiratory Research 15(1): 44.

McDonald CF (2014) Low-flow oxygen: How much is your patient really getting? (Editorial). Respirology 19(4): 469-470.

McDonnell MJ, Garvey J, Lohan DG, O'Sullivan GJ, Redmond K, Jackson JE and Rutherford RM (2014) An unusual cause of haemoptysis in a smoker. Thorax 69(1): 93.

Osadnik CR, McDonald CF and Holland AE (2013) Advances in airway clearance technologies for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine 7(6): 673-685.

Osadnik CR, McDonald CF and Holland AE (2014) Clinical issues of mucus accumulation in COPD (letter). International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 9 (301-302).

Perret JL, Walters EH, Abramson MJ, McDonald CF and Dharmage SC (2014) The independent and combined effects of lifetime smoke exposures and asthma as they relate to COPD. Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine 1-12. Epublication ahead of print.

Sheers N, Berlowitz DJ, Rautela L, Batchelder I, Hopkinson K and Howard ME (2014) Improved survival with an ambulatory model of non-invasive ventilation implementation in motor neuron disease. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration 15(3-4): 180-184.

Tamplin J and Berlowitz DJ (2014) A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of respiratory muscle training on pulmonary function in tetraplegia. Spinal Cord 52(3): 175-180.

Wilkinson VE, Jackson ML, Westlake J, Stevens B, Barnes M, Swann P, Rajaratnam SM and Howard ME (2013) The accuracy of eyelid movement parameters for drowsiness detection. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine 9(12): 1315-24.

Wilkinson V, Stanley D and Howard M. (2014) Ausgrid Workplace 2013 Preventative Health Screening Activity Report: a longitudinal study of health screening of the Ausgrid Workforce Y4. 106.

And, an updated version of the COPD-X guidelines has been published. It is dated June 2013 as this is the date that evidence has been gathered until, however it was released in April 2014:

Michael Abramson, Alan J Crockett, Eli Dabscheck, Peter A Frith, Johnson George, Nicholas Glasgow, Sue Jenkins, Christine McDonald, David K McKenzie, Richard Wood-Baker, Ian Yang and on behalf of Lung Foundation Australia and the Thoracic So ciety of Australia and New Zealand. (2013) The COPD-X Plan: Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for the management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease V2.35.

Accepted for publication

Abramson MJ, McDonald VM, Perret JL, Dharmage SC and McDonald CF (2014) Distinguishing adult-onset asthma from COPD: a review and a new approach". International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. In press, accepted 27th May, 2014.

Posted 11 years ago


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IBAS leads project to revolutionize Home Ventilation with $1.2 million grant for Assoc. Prof Mark Howard's research titled "Synchronise non-invasive ventilation at home".

Institute for Breathing and Sleep

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145 Studley Road
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